
Вибрана література

Основні документи Венеціанської Комісії з виборчих питань (за винятком референдумів)

CDL-INF(2001)024 Opinion on the Act of 4 July 2001 on Elections to Bodies of Self-Government Regions and on Amendments to the Code of Civil Procedure of the Slovak Republic

CDL-INF(2001)022 Opinion on the Ukrainian Law on Election of People’s Deputies, Adopted by the Verkhovna Rada on 13 September 2001: Adopted by the Venice Commission at its 48th plenary meeting (Venice, 19-20 October 2001)

CDL-INF(2001)021 Opinion on the Electoral Law of Bosnia and Herze­govina, adopted by the Venice Commission at its 48th Plenary Meeting (Venice, 19-20 October 2001)

CDL-INF(2001)016 Opinion on the Electoral Law of the Canton of Ticino

CDL-INF(2000)017 Law on Parliamentary Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan: Comments adopted by the Venice Commission at its 44th plenary meeting (13-14 October 2000)

CDL-INF(2000)004 Electoral Law and National Minorities

CDL(2000)103rev: Comments on the Armenian Electoral Law and Proposed Amendments after the Visit of the Venice Commission to Erevan on 15-18 November 2000: Presented at the 45th Plenary Meeting of the Commission, Venice, 15-16 December (B.


CDL(2000)087 Comments on the Opinion of the Rapporteurs on the Constitutional Amendments Concerning Legislative Elections in Slovenia (National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia)

CDL(2000)086 Comments on the Opinion of the Rapporteurs on the Constitutional Amendments Concerning Legislative Elections in Slovenia (P. Jambrek, K. Jaklic)

CDL(2000)085 Système electoral du Canton du Tessin (Suisse) (comments by Mr G. Battaglioni)

CDL(2000)082add Information about the Implementation of Recommen­dations of the Venice Commission on the Law on Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan: Addendum

CDL(2000)082 Information about the Implementation of Recommendations of the Venice Commission on the Law on Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan

CDL(2000)077 Opinion of the Rapporteurs on the Constitutional Amendments Concerning Legislative Elections in Slovenia

CDL(2000)071 Avis preliminaire sur le droit electoral du Canton du Tessin: prepared by the Commission Secretariat

CDL(2000)002 The law on the Elections of People’ Deputies of Ukraine: an Assessment from a Comparative Perspective (M. Krennerich)

CDL(1999)067 Draft Electoral Code of the Republic of Belarus (Comments by Mr H.


CDL(1999)066 Draft Electoral Code of the Republic of Belarus (Comments by Prof. R. Rose)

CDL(1999)051 The 1998 Parliamentary Electoral Law of Ukraine: Evaluative Considerations from a Comparative Perspective (F. Grotz)

CDL(1999)041 Draft Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Comments by Prof. R. Rose)

CDL(1999)040 Draft Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Comments by Mr B. Owen)

CDL-INF(1998)016 Opinion on the Competence of Bosnia and Herzegovina in electoral matters

CDL(1998)045 Draft Electoral Law of “The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia» (Comments by Mr B. Owen)

CDL(1998)010 Comments on the Yegorian and the Sahakian Draft Electoral Laws of Armenia (B. Owen)

CDL(1997)061 Draft Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Summary of Content

CDL(1994)042 Comments on the Law on Elections to Local Government Councils of the Republic of Lithuania (E. Ozbudun & T. Sexton)

CDL(1992)029 Secretariat Note: Seminar on the Draft Electoral Law of Latvia

CDL(1992)001 Electoral Law: General Principles and Regulatory Levels (P. Garrone)

CDL(1991)031 OSCE Seminar of Experts on Democratic Institutions (Oslo, 4-15 November 1991) - Contribution by the European Commission for Democracy through Law. Includes: «The Organisation of Elections» – E. Ozbudun

Інші документи Венеціанської Комісії

CDL-INF(2000)12 Ten Years of the Venice Commission

CDL(2001)006 Armenia Memorandum: Programme of Co-operation with Armenia, Approved by the Venice Commission at its 45th Plenary Meeting (Venice, 15-16 December 2000)

CDL(2001)005 Azerbaijan Memorandum: Programme of Co-operation with Azerbaijan, Approved by the Venice Commission at its 45th Plenary Meeting (Venice, 15-16 December 2000)

CDL-MIN(1998)001rev Summary Report on Participation of Members of Minorities in Public Life

Публікації у серії «Science and Technique of Democracy»

New Trends in Electoral Law in a Pan-European Context, Science and Technique of Democracy No. 25, Strasbourg: Council of Europe 1999.

The Protection of Minorities, Science and Technique of Democracy, No. 9, Strasbourg: Council of Europe 1994.

Інші посилання на літературу подані у примітках.

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Источник: Ю. Ключковський. Європейський демократичний доробок у галузі виборчого права.: Матеріали Венеціанської комісії, ОБСЄ/БДІПЛ, ПАРЄ / За ред. Ю. Ключковського. – К.: ФАДА, ЛТД,2008. – 340 с.. 2008

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