"8-і D. Vocabulary
- l. Learn the following words and make up you own sentences.
tall order — a request or piece of work that is unreasonably difficult
to perform
revamp (v) — to give a new and better form or structure to something old
obsolete (adj) — completely out of date
prudent (adj) — thinking carefully before taking actions; careful to avoid risks
state-of-the-art (adj) — using the most recent and recently developed methods, materials or knowledge boot(n) — besides; in addition
amenable (adj) — able to be tested by; ready to be guided or influenced by
clerical (adj) — concerning someone who works in an office evolve (v) — to develop gradually by a long continuous process
- 2. Find an English equivalent from the text to the following:
- накопление капитала;
- задолженность по уплате налогов;
- страны — члены СНГ;
- резервные мощности;
- первостепенная задача (цель);
- воздействовать;
- возобновление;
- почасовая заработная плата.
- 3. Match up the words on the left with the definitions on the right. Use them in your own sentences:
- induce; a) (done or happening) between two others; halfway;
- repatriate; b) to cause or produce;
- finding; c) to bring or send someone back to their own country;
- in sum; d) something learnt as the result of an official inquiry;
- intermediate. e) in simple words; in a short phrase.
- 4. Choose an appropriate word or expression from the box to complete the following sentences.
overhauled outstripping delay reiteration sustained
rebounds real terms employees pegged up concessions
benefit eye-catching tax rates lobby slump
downturn relapse castigate decision-making
- Some argue that the minutiae of the technical details of reform are simply less ... than the initial sweeping changes.
- The president administration swiftly ... much of the tax code, simplifying the rules for companies and cutting personal ... to a flat 13 per cent.
- The president has ... the prime minister for slowing economic growth, diminishing the chances of meeting his target of ... Portugal’s GDP by 2015.
- There is some deceleration ahead of the elections, but the problem is the constant... of a commitment to reform by the authorities.
- Another big ... against membership is the bureaucracy itself, addicted to arbitrary ....
- Investors have feared that the economy, which early this year appeared to be recovering strongly from last year’s ... , may ... back into recession.
- In 1999-2002 Russia’s GDP rose by 25.5 % in ... , a significant contrast to the long ... and stagnation of the previous years.
- A senior parliamentarian, who considers himself a liberal, nonetheless wants to ... WTO membership, saying that only 7 % of Russian export will... but that outside competition will devastate much of the economy.
- The meeting of the working group on Russian membership will show how many ... other countries are ready to make.
- The recovery is expected to be ... as business investment..., consumer spending continues at a solid pace.
- Average pensions have tripled and salaries of low-income government ... were ....