
D. Vocabulary

  1. l. Learn the vocabulary and make up your own sentences, imminent (adj) — which is going to happen very soon painstaking (adj) — careful, thorough

surmount (v) — to succeed in dealing with (especially a difficulty), to overcome

roll over (phr v) — an amount of money such as a pension or investment continuing to be invested or lent without stopping

dash the hopes — to put an end to; to strike violently often resulting in damage or destruction

hover (v) — to stay around one place, especially in a way that is annoying

foreclose (v) — to take back property because of someone’s failure to repay

stasis (n) — a balance between different forces and influences

  1. 2.
    Choose the right definitions of the words and use them in your own sentences:
  1. an advocate; a) to express approval or support of (opinion, action, etc.);
  2. to oversee; b) a person who speaks for or supports an idea, way of life;
  3. a flaw;              c)              not much or many compares with what is wanted;
  4. attendant; d) something outside; that can be seen but is not natural or real;
  5. scarce;              e)              happening at the same time as or as a result of something else;
  6. to crowd out; f) a small sign of damage that makes an object not perfect;
  7. externality; g) to watch to see that work is properly done;
  8. a case in point; h) which proves or is an example of the subject under consideration.
  9. to endorse.
  1. 3. Which words do the following sentences define?
  • The amount by which something is less than what is needed, especially the amount by which money that goes out is more than money that comes in:

a) lack;              b) deficit;              c)              scarcity.

  • A fixed regular payment made by employers, usually monthly, for professional or office work:

a) salary;              b) wages;              c)              earnings.

  • To keep watch over a job or activity as the person in charge: a) control;              b) supervise;              c)              oversee.
  • Someone who follows or supports a particular person, belief or cause, etc.:

a) supporter;              b) follower;              c)              backer.

  • To set apart for a particular purpose:

a) allocate;              b) allot;              c)              distribute.

  • Not working or performing in a satisfactory way, especially because of waste of wastefulness or lack of ability or organization:

a) inefficient;              b) inept;              c)              ineffectual.

  • One’s purpose, a position or object one wishes to reach or obtain: a) aim;              b) target;              c)              goal.
  • Spending or using up something:

a) expenditure;              b) spending;              c)              outlay.

  • Anything that brings advantage, help, profit:
  1. gain;              b) benefit;              c)              interest.

¦ To enter into or take part in a matter which does not concern one, and in which one is not wanted:

  1. interfere;              b)              intrude;              c)              interpose.
  1. 4. Insert the following words into the gaps below.

revenues              persuade              suffer              deficit

subsidies              approve

Mexico’s economy ... from structural weakness, which Mr. Fox has so far been unable or unwilling to address. One challenge concerns the public finances. The central-government budget... is 0.65 % of GDP. Mr. Fox has begun to offer ... to special interests, such as farmers and the textile industry. Although the government... the opposition-controlled Congress to ... some tax increases last year, it remained dangerously dependant on volatile ....

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Источник: Е. Н. Малюга. Английский язык для экономистов: Учебник для вузов / Е. Н. Малюга, Н.              В. Ваванова, Г. Н. Куприянова, И. В. Пушнова. — СПб.: Питер,2005. — 304 с.: ил.. 2005

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