
\'Ші D. Vocabulary

  1. l. Read and learn new words.

intrinsic value — real, basic value

swing (v) — to move backwards and forwards or round and round from a fixed point

give way to (phr v) — to allow to be overcome by something or somebody

dip (v) — to drop slightly

Treasury bond (n) — an American government bond yield (v) — to produce, bear or provide, especially as a result of work or effort

to loose monetary policy — to make monetary policy less stiff bid up (phr v) — to increase the charged price for goods, one’s work or services

bug (n) — an eager but sometimes not lasting interest in the stated thing

rally (v) — to become strong, to rebound

  1. 2.
    Give English equivalents to the following words and expressions:
  • резко меняться от чего-то до чего-то;
  • уступать чему-то;
  • государственные облигации;
  • корпоративные облигации для инвестирования;
  • краткосрочные казначейские векселя;
  • израсходовать что-то;
  • смягчать денежно-кредитную политику;
  • инвестиционные фонды открытого типа для приобретения ценных бумаг.
  1. 3. Choose an appropriate word or expression from the box to complete the following sentences.

healthy              bonds

security              yield

shares              primary

blue chip              issuer              slice

interest rate              secondary              capital

price              interest              bank

obligations              investment

  1. A bond is an ... bearing... issued by governments, companies and some other organizations.
  2. Bonds are an alternative way for the ... to raise ... to selling shares or taking out a ...
  3. A bond’s ... is the ... (or coupon) paid on the bond divided by the bond’s market....
  4. Corporate bonds issued by ... companies are also unlikely to default; this might not be the case with high-yield junk bonds issued by firms with less ... financials.
  5. Markets in securities such as ... and ... is called a capital market.
  6. The existence of liquid ... market can encourage people to buy in the ... market, as they know they are likely to be able to sell easily should they wish.
  7. In return for risking their ... by giving it to the company’s management to develop the business, shareholders get the right to a... of whatever is left of the firm’s revenue after it has met all its other ....
  8. This money is paid as a dividend, although most companies retain some of their residual revenue for ... purposes.
  1. 4. Match up the words on the left with the definitions on the right:
1) bear market; a) a situation in which prices on the stock market are
going up;
2) bull market; b) a situation in which prices on the stock market are
3) junk bond; c) the American government bond;
4) treasury bill; d) a bond with a high rate of interest but with a high risk
of not being repaid;
5) liability; e) the percentage amounts charged for borrowing money
by the banks and building societies;
6) interest rates; f) an amount of money owed by a business to a supplier,
lender, etc.;
7) yield; g) date at which the money will be returned;
8) maturity.
h) the amount of money that you get from an investment,
especially bonds.
  1. 5. Give synonyms for the italicized words in each sentence below, or explain their meanings.
  1. Investing, said the father of security analysis, Benjamin Graham, is like being in business with a Mr. Market, a manic depressive whose mood swings sharply between fear and enthusiasm.
  2. After an attempted rally ran out of steam this week, Treasury-bond prices resumed their fall, and yields — their rise.
  3. The prices of governmentbonds, of all maturities, have been falling since early November.
  4. Because the risk of default on these bonds is small, their prices are driven by the same economic forces as government bonds.
  5. Copper — known as the metal with a PhD in Economics, because of its usefulness as a leading indicator — is up by 12 % in the past weeks, and is now higher than it was September 11th.

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Источник: Е. Н. Малюга. Английский язык для экономистов: Учебник для вузов / Е. Н. Малюга, Н.              В. Ваванова, Г. Н. Куприянова, И. В. Пушнова. — СПб.: Питер,2005. — 304 с.: ил.. 2005

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