

ЗДОБУВАЧА ЗА ТЕМОЮ ДИСЕРТАЦІЇ в яких опубліковані основні наукові результати дисертації:

1. Озерна І. В. Міжнародні стандарти та зарубіжний досвід у сфері адміністративно-правового забезпечення діяльності закладів освіти.

Прикарпатський юридичний вісник. 2015. № 3 (9). Т. 2. С. 123-127.

2. Озерна І. В. Суб’єкти адміністративно-правового забезпечення діяльності закладів освіти в Україні. Науковий вісник публічного та приватного права. 2016. Випуск 2. Том 3. С. 102-106.

3. Озерна І. В. Забезпечення реалізації права на освіту як важлива складова діяльності органів державної влади. Наукові записки. Серія: Право. 2017. Вип. 2. Спецвип. С. 145-148.

4. Озерная И. В. Административно-правовое обеспечение деятельности учреждений общего среднего образования в Украине. Право и Закон. 2017. № 2. С. 187-191. (Киргизька Республіка).

5. Озерна І. В. Адміністративно-правове забезпечення діяльності закладів вищої освіти в Україні. Науковий вісник Херсонського державного університету. Серія «Юридичні науки». 2017. Випуск 2. Т. 3. С. 112-117.

6. Озерна І. В. Особливості адміністративно-правового регулювання діяльності закладів освіти в Україні. Науковий вісник публічного та приватного права. 2017. Випуск 4. С. 176-180.

7. Ozema I. V. Administrative and legal provision of activity of professional and technical education in Ukraine. Visegrad journal on human rights. 2017. № 4. (volume 2). P. 136-140. (Словацька Республіка).

які засвідчують апробацію матеріалів дисертації:

8. Озерна І. В. Загальні засади державного регулювання освітньої діяльності вищих навчальних закладів в Україні. Актуальні проблеми національного законодавства: збірник матеріалів Всеукраїнської наук.- практ. конф. (м. Кропивницький, 15 листоп. 2017 р.). Кропивницький: ПОЛІМЕД-Сервіс, 2017. С. 165-167.

9. Озерна І. В. Проблемні аспекти адміністративно-правового

забезпечення вищої освіти в Україні.

Пріоритети розвитку юридичних наук у ХХІ столітті: матеріали Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Одеса, 8-9 квіт. 2016 р.). Одеса: ГО «Причорноморська фундація права», 2016. С. 85-87.

10. Озерна І. В. Регіональний рівень адміністративно-правового

забезпечення діяльності закладів освіти. Державне регулювання суспільних відносин: розвиток законодавства та проблеми правозастосування: матеріали Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Київ, 14-15 лип. 2017 р.). К.: Центр правових наукових досліджень, 2017. С. 5759.

11. Озерна І. В. Діяльність закладів професійно-технічної освіти як об’єкт адміністративно-правового забезпечення. Теоретичні та практичні проблеми правового регулювання суспільних відносин: матеріали Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Харків, 20-21 січ. 2017 р.). Харків: ГО «Асоціація аспірантів-юристів», 2017. С. 49-53.


I. Ozerna. Administrative and legal background of educational establishments’ activity in Ukraine. - Qualifying scientific work as the manuscript.

Thesis for a Candidate Degree in Law, specialty 12.00.07 «Administrative Law and Process; Financial Law; Information Law». - Research Institute of Public Law, Kiev, 2018.

Thesis provides analysis of general and special characteristics of educational establishments with content and classification of educational activity areas. System of state and local authorities with its scope of competence regarding administrative and legal support of educational establishments’ activity is defined.

Definition of administrative and legal support of educational establishments’ activity is presented as system of legal means and measures regulated by the norms of administrative legislation and implemented by state and local authorities with aim to exercise and protect the constitutional right of person to education and set of legal guarantees for development of relevant conditions to provide legal entities of public and private law an opportunity to provide educational services. Grounds are provided for this authority influence to comply with social, state and private interests in educational sector.

Essential elements of administrative and legal support of educational establishments’ activity are defined: set of administrative norms regulating educational services; system of administrative and legal means used to regulate legal relations by authorities in educational sector; authorized bodies of public administration responsible for monitoring activities within their scope of competence and take certain administrative measures in educational sector; set of administrative and legal guarantees establishing favorable conditions for educational establishments with protection of citizens’ right to education.

Evolution of state bodies’ influence on educational sector subjects in Ukraine is analyzed - therefore, seven following periods are distinguished: 10th- 13th century; 14th- 16th century; 16th- 17th century; 16th - 20th century; 20th century - 1990;

1991 р. -2017); 2017 - now).

Author provides characteristics of administrative and legal support of secondary educational establishments’ activities in the following areas: administrative and legal support of internal procedures; administrative and legal support of state educational standards; administrative and legal support of pedagogical staff professional activity; administrative and legal support of educational process regarding age specificity and needs of separate categories. Grounds provided for the statement that in relation to vocational educational establishments’ activities state bodies are authorized to regulate: general professional training; different formats of internship; labor safety issues; graduates’ employment.

Procedure of educational activity licensing and accreditation of higher educational establishments is analyzed with due attention to difference in accreditation procedures - subject of educational services is accredited to recognize its status on the national level whereas any specialty or course is accredited to verify the compliance of qualification to higher education degrees (e.g.

Master, Bachelor). Procedures of training programs accreditation and pedagogical staff attestation are studied along with functioning of system of higher education quality assessment key elements of which are respectively the institutional accreditation, independent external assessment of results and quality monitoring. The research allows to conclude that administrative and legal support of higher education aims at higher education quality assessment system, innovative activities, self-governance and autonomy, state orders.

Analysis of relevant EU legislative acts is completed including provisions directly regulating administrative and legal support of secondary, higher and vocational educational establishments. Due attention was paid to Baltic states - Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia which have undergone the systemic transformation in the course of post-Soviet reorientation and Scandinavian states - Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden characterized with the most democratic and liberal level of state influence in educational sector. Best practices of France and

Germany, combining the high level of educational establishments state administration and autonomy of its subjects. Foreign experience is taken as a background for further improvements to be presented in the national system of administrative and legal support of educational establishments’ activities.

General conclusions are made with due grounds for legislative improvement regarding optimization of administrative and legal support of educational establishments’ activities in Ukraine. Recommendations concerning amendments to laws of Ukraine «On Education», «On Primary Education», «On Secondary Education», «On Local State Administrations», «On Local Self- Governance», «On Public-Private Partnership» etc. it is offered to adopt the Action Plan on Corporate Educational Establishments Development 2020, Concept of State Administration of Educational Sector, Provisions on Local SelfGovernance in Educational Sector.

A set of provisions, conclusions and recommendations is formulated on the basis of research: individual interpretation of the term «administrative and legal support of educational establishments’ activities»; improvement of administrative and legal support of secondary, higher and vocational educational establishments’ activities fully complying to approved requirements of social, state and private interests in educational sector; ways to amend the legislation regulating administrative and legal support of corporate educational establishments; peculiarities of interconnection between state administration and local self-governance regarding administrative and legal support of educational establishments; classification of educational activities; theoretical and legal approaches to application of administrative and legal measures and provision of relevant guarantees; grounds for authorizing the State Service of Education Quality of Ukraine as central executive body to assess the quality of educational services; grounds for administrative legislation amendment in the context of new Law of Ukraine «On Education». Author presented interpretation of «educational establishment», «educational activity», «educational process»; general and special characteristics of educational establishments; competences

of subjects of administrative and legal support of educational establishments’ activities; characteristics of international standards and priority areas for best practices transfer into national system; historical development of administrative and legal support of educational establishments’ activities in Ukraine; offers regarding legislative amendments. Formulated provisions, conclusions and recommendations may be used in research activities, legislative and enforcement activities and in training process for updating the methodological basis of specific disciplines («Administrative Law», «Administrative Liability», «Public

Administration», «Public Service».

Key words: administrative and legal support, higher education, secondary education, educational establishments, public administration bodies, educational activity, educational service, vocational education, subjects of educational services.


of the Thesis Where the the Main Scientific Results of the Thesis are



I. Ozema International standards and foreign experience of administrative and legal support of educational establishments’ activity. Prykarpatskyi Legal Journal. 2015. № 3 (9). Vol. 2. p. 123-127.

2. І. Ozerna Subjects of administrative and legal support of educational establishments’ activity in Ukraine. Scientific Journal of Public and Private Law.

2016. Vol. 2. p. 102-106.

3. I. Ozerna Enforcememt of right to education as important element of state bodies’ activity. Scientific notes: Law. 2017. Vol. 2. p. 145-148.

4. I. Ozerna Administrative and legal support of secondary educational establishments’ activity in Ukraine. Pravo i zakon. 2017. № 2. p. 187-191. (Kyrgyzstan).

5. I. Ozerna Administrative and legal support of higher educational establishments’ activity in Ukraine. Scientific Journal of Kherson State University. «Legal sciences». 2017. № 2. Vol. 3. p. 112-117.

6. I. Ozerna Administrative and legal background of educational establishments’ activity in Ukraine. Scientific Journal of Public and Private Law.

2017. Vol 4. p. 176-180.

7. I. Ozerna Administrative and legal provision of vocational educational establishments’ activity in Ukraine. Visegrad journal on human rights. 2017. № 4. (volume 2). P. 136-140. (Slovak Republic).

that Certify Approbation of the Thesis Materials:

8. I. Ozerna Basic principles of state regulation of higher educational establishments’ activity in Ukraine. National legislation: current problems and challenges (scientific-practical conference, Kropyvnytskyi, November 15, 2017). Kropyvnytskyi: POLIMED-SERVICE, 2017. p. 165-167.

9. I. Ozerna Problems of administrative and legal support of higher educational establishments’ activity in Ukraine. Priorities for legal sciences development in 21st century (International scientific conference, Odessa, April 8-9, 2016). Odessa: NGO «Prychornomorska Legal Foundation», 2016. p. 85-87.

10. I. Ozerna Regional level of administrative and legal support of educational establishments’ activity in Ukraine. State regulation of social relations: legislative evolution and enforcement issues (international scientific conference, Kyiv, July 14-15, 2017). Kyiv, Center of Legal Research, 2017. p. 5759.

11. І. Ozerna Administrative and legal provision of vocational educational establishments’ activity in Ukraine. Theoretical and practical issues of social relations legal regulation (international scientific conference, Kharkiv, January 20-21, 2017). Kharkiv: NGO «Association of lawyers», 2017. p. 49-53.

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